Plot: Blue Whale is a Drama-Mystery series directed by Fereydoun Jeyrani, written by Bahram Tavakoli and produced by Saeid Malekan. This series is in an adventurous atmosphere in Persian and a product of Iran. In addition to Saeid Malekan, Honar Aval and Filimo companies are also investors in the series....
Plot: Capital is a three-part British television adaptation of John Lanchesteru2019s novel Capital. The series was written by Peter Bowker, directed by Euros Lyn and produced by Matt Strevens for Kudos Film & Television Company. The first episode was broadcast on BBC One on 24 November 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Dorehami is an Iranian Telecast currently directed by Mehran Modiri. It aired on cable network IRIB Nasim on Thursdays at 21:00 and Fridays and Saturdays at 23:00 from March 18 to October 1, 2016 and continue from November 4. Wikipedia
Plot: Özgür is a very wealthy restaurant owner and living a sloppy but happy go lucky life, and does not believe in love. Ezgi is now tired of wrong relationships and is determined to have a proper relationship and get married. Seeing that Ezgi is not successful in the relationship matters, Özgür begins...
Plot: This horror anthology series features episodes that, as the title suggests, usually involve monsters -- ranging from an animatronic puppet from a fictional children's TV show to weapon-wielding, mutated lab rats -- as the antagonists of the episodes. Some episodes of the series, which blends comic...
Plot: The Saburi family is a large and old family that has been exporting and importing flowers and plants for many years. They still live in peace in an old house, the arrival of a young man in this family changes the lives of the whole family.
Plot: A yellow sea sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants, who enjoys being a cook at Krusty Krab, lives in the Pacific Ocean. He embarks on various adventures with his friends at Bikini Bottom.
Plot: Asre Jadid is an Iranian talent television competition. The program was produced by Ehsan Alikhani and launched on IRIB TV3 on 16 February 2019. The second season of the program began on 25 February 2020. Asre Jadid is one of the most popular programs in IRIB. Wikipedia