Plot: The Aeronauts was a French children's TV series about two fighter jet pilots in French Air Force, Michel Tanguy and Ernest Laverdure and their adventures. It was based on a comic book series by Jean-Michel Charlier and Albert Uderzo titled Tanguy et Laverdure. Wikipedia
Plot: Hector's House is a children's television series using glove puppets. It was first broadcast in France on 1ère chaine on 27 October 1966 and ran over seven series and 78 episodes. It was re-voiced in English and broadcast on BBC One on 9 September 1968 and repeated throughout the 1970s. Wikipedia...
Plot: Thierry la Fronde was a French television series that aired from 1963 to 1966 on the television station, ORTF. The original script was by Jean-Claude Deret. Wikipedia