Plot: Life had been fairly routine for a Tokyo businessman until one day his wife suddenly announces that she has grown tired of life as a housewife and mother, and leaves him and their young son. Soon afterwards, he loses his job and, at his wits' end and unable to pay the rent, must ask an ex-girlfriend...
Plot: The affair that Mahiro has been having with the married Yutaka has been the only escape from her troubled family life caused by her father's own extra-marital affair. Mahiro despises her father for his past infidelity but cannot bring herself to stop Yutaka from being unfaithful to his wife. However...
Plot: Ryuichiro's bride, company president Mayumi Kitahara dies, leaving him to take care of her daughter Natsumi. Natsumi moves into Ryuichiro's flat, but he sets to work to be the father she never had.