Plot: Freelance photojournalist Heather Taggard and actor-director Chip Brookes explore out-of-the-ordinary sights and scenes across America's northern outpost. From the rugged Richardson Highway outside Fairbanks, to Denali Park or the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, trekking through remote mountains or...
Plot: Best known for his work in wildlife studies and anthropology, Jeff Corwin concentrates of his passion for travel in this eight-part series, in which he explores the breathtaking natural wonders of the 49th American state, including visits to Denali National Park, the Kenai Peninsula, Katmai National...
Plot: A reality-based web series that follows an expedition crew of overlanders and outfitted vehicles through some of the most remote places of the world. Watch as the crew travels through Alaska and the Yukon territory on a six-week-long adventure.