Plot: Raising one child can be a challenge for a parent. So imagine the difficulty of raising twins, triplets or even quadruplets. That's the task that the ladies on this docu-series face. The series follows a group of Texas women who are each raising multiple babies -- twins, triplets or quadruplets. The...
Plot: Vinny Buzzetta is a 20-something baking prodigy, having graduated first in his class from New York's prestigious French Culinary Institute at the age of 18 (at the time, the school's youngest graduate). The Brooklyn-born foodie has always had a passion for chocolate and a dream to own his own bakery...
Plot: Self-proclaimed psychic John Edward travels the highways and byways of America to offer intimate and detailed individual readings for clients who are seeking answers and reassurances about their dearly departed.
Plot: It isn't easy to win Olympic gold medals or earn Super Bowl rings -- unless you're sports power couple Sanya Richards-Ross, four-time gold-medalist runner, and two-time Super Bowl champion Aaron Ross. The athletes met as students at the University of Texas and tied the knot in 2010. A docuseries follows...
Plot: Stand-up comic Sinbad, whose fame peaked in the 1990s with gigs such as hosting a short-lived talk show, enters the realm of reality TV in this show that explores his family life. Sinbad has remarried his ex-wife and moved back into their old house. Their son and daughter, both in their 20s, are trying...
Plot: Amsale Aberra is a leading fashion designer who specializes in bridal gowns, which fetch up to $75,000 each for exacting clients in her Manhattan boutique. This reality series follows Amsale and the women who work for her, including Samantha and Emily, as they deal with dozens of fittings daily, along...
Plot: Investigator Troy Dunn has an impressive track record for locating people, from finding birth parents to organ donors. In 1990, Troy helped his own mother (who was adopted as a baby) locate her own biological family, and that single event inspired Troy and his then-partner to build an organization...
Plot: Former beauty queen Michele Strom runs The Winning Crown Boutique, which she opened in Omaha, Nebraska, in 2009. At the shop, Strom and her staff dress high-maintenance and high-strung pageant hopefuls in an attempt to make sure their clients win their competitions. The staff includes outgoing redhead...
Plot: The Baby Borrowers is a British reality television series produced by Love Productions for BBC Three. The series premiered 8 January 2007. The show features five couples aged between 16 and 19. Wikipedia
Plot: A baby is born every 4.2 seconds, but not every birth goes as planned, and in some instances, unexpected events can lead to birth stories ranging from the bizarre or potentially risky to the very funny. "My Crazy Birth Story" tells the story of many different births that seem almost hard to believe...
Plot: Nearly 75,000 women enter American prisons annually and as many as 10 percent of them are pregnant at the time of their incarceration. In most prisons, the babies are separated from their mothers immediately following birth. A few penitentiaries, however, offer programs that allow the women to raise...
Plot: Trying for one last pregnancy yielded sextuplets for Courtney and Eric Waldrop. Now the parents have their hands full, not just with their life-changing newborns but also in continuing to devote love, time and attention to their three older boys. TLC shares the Waldrops' story in this series, beginning...
Plot: `A Baby Story' follows couples through their final weeks of pregnancy, joins them in the delivery room and through the first weeks of a new life. Couples share their experiences and all the emotions they feel when they first greet their newborn.
Plot: Many couples who, for one reason or another, are unable to have babies of their own turn to adoption to become parents. Adoption is a long, emotional process that has one aspect that many people are unaware of: a waiting period, which is the focus of this docuseries. During this period, the birth mother...