Plot: Italian prime-time news program and political talk show broadcast by LA7 television on Tuesday evenings. Created and hosted by journalist Giovanni Floris, who also invented "Ballarò". Comedian Maurizio Crozza opens each episode.
Plot: La clinica per rinascere - Obesity Center is a reality television series that has aired on the Real Time Italy television network since 2018. Each episode follows a year in the life of morbidly obese individuals, who begin the episode weighing at least. Wikipedia
Plot: Le Iene is a television program broadcast on the Italian channel Italia 1. Beginning in 1997, it is a comedy/satirical show, with sketches and reports into political affairs and consumer issues. It is based on an Argentine show Caiga Quien Caiga. Wikipedia
Plot: Che tempo che fa is an Italian television late-night talk show hosted by Fabio Fazio. It has been broadcast live on Saturdays and Sundays on the Italian TV since 2003. The show has been aired since 13 September 2003 on Rai 3 up to 4 June 2017. On 24 September 2017 it moved to Rai 1, until 2 June 2019...
Plot: The in-depth journalism of Videonews for Quarto Grado focuses on the criminal cases of current news and recent years with interviews and insights, cases who have passionate and divide the public opinion, with particular attention from the point of view of the victim. Quarto Grado is characterized by...
Plot: Inspired by utterly fictional events, Space Riders: Division Earth is the story of two out-of-shape nobodies who accidentally become Earth's heroes.