Plot: Trinity Seven is a fantasy romantic comedy manga series by Kenji Saitō with art by Akinari Nao. It has been serialized in Fujimi Shobo's shōnen manga magazine Monthly Dragon Age since 2010 and collected in twenty three tankōbon volumes as of June 2020. Wikipedia
Plot: Killing Bites is a Japanese manga series written by Shinya Murata and illustrated by Kazasa Sumita. It has been serialized since November 2013 in Hero's Inc.'s seinen manga magazine Monthly Hero's. It has been collected in sixteen tankōbon volumes as of August 2020. Wikipedia
Plot: A band of adventurers, including a human priestess, an elf archer, a dwarf shaman and a lizardman priest, follow a famous goblin hunter on a quest to destroy the hordes of aggressive goblins that threaten to ravage the land.