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Absolutely Canadian
Description: Local documentaries, performances and comedy from across Canada. Genre: Documentary Year Released: 1998 First episode air date: 1998 Network: CBC Television Genre: Documentary Nominations: Canadian Screen Award for Best Documentary Program
Plot: Netflix takes stand-up comedy global with this series that features a diverse group of comics from 13 regions around the world. Dozens of comics perform, bringing their unique perspectives of what is funny around the world. The comics, who represent eight languages, hail from such nations as South Africa...
Plot: The world's most famous drag queen returns for a second season of the competition show. RuPaul wears three different hats -- host, judge and, as the debonair Mr. RuPaul, a mentor -- in this reality series that pits 11 contestants against each other, all vying for the title of America's next "Drag Queen...
Plot: Robert, a down-on-his-luck drag queen who performs as Ruby Red, prepares for a new adventure, heading out on a journey in a van across America. Joining Robert on the trip is tough-talking 10-year-old stowaway AJ. Ruby gets a chance to step back into the spotlight along the way, and AJ comes up with...
Plot: More than a decade after the original series went off the air, Netflix reboots the "Queer Eye" franchise with a new Fab Five and a new setting, trading in the concrete jungle of New York City for communities in and around Atlanta. The style experts forge relationships with men and women who often have...
Plot: Vampire housemates (Jemaine Clement, Taika Waititi, Jonathan Brugh) try to cope with the complexities of modern life and show a newly turned hipster (Cori Gonzalez-Macuer) some of the perks of being undead.
Plot: For as long as they can recall, Grace and Frankie have been rivals. Their one-upmanship comes crashing to a halt, however, when they learn that their husbands have fallen in love with each other and want to get married. As everything around the ladies is coming apart, the only thing they can really...
Plot: The new three-part series `Animals with Cameras' provides a new perspective of the animal kingdom by putting cameras on animals. Wildlife cameraman Gordon Buchanan joins forces with a team of pioneering animal behaviourists to explore the lives of animals, as told literally through their own eyes. Custom...
Plot: Atticus Black joins his friend Letitia and his Uncle George to embark on a road trip across 1950s Jim Crow America in search of his missing father.
Plot: A former professional hockey player named Matt Shade hangs up his skates and upends his life irrevocably by teaming up with intense Private Investigator, Angie Everett and becoming a detective. He tries to find himself and who he ultimately wants to be in the future while also hopefully finding redemption...
Plot: After being sexually assaulted in a nightclub, Arabella's life changes irreversibly and she is forced to reassess everything, including her career, friends and family.
Plot: Singles try to find a match and fall in love -- without ever seeing each other face-to-face, as emotional connection attempts to conquer physical attraction.
Plot: A dry-witted woman, known only as Fleabag, has no filter as she navigates life and love in London while trying to cope with tragedy. The angry, grief-riddled woman tries to heal while rejecting anyone who tries to help her, but Fleabag continues to keep up her bravado through it all. Comic actress Phoebe...
Plot: While New York witnesses the evolution of the ball culture and the rise of the Trump-era, an LGBTQ ball fixture, Blanca, starts her own house and turns mother to a gifted dancer and a sex worker.
Plot: Consistently stunning documentaries transport viewers to far-flung locations ranging from the torrid African plains to the chilly splendours of icy Antarctica. The show's primary focus is on animals and ecosystems around the world. A comic book based on the show, meant to be used an as educational tool...
Plot: Wealthy high school student Payton Hobart has known since he was 7 years old that he is going to be the president of the United States. The first step toward that goal is to become his school's student body president. To do that, he will have to navigate the treacherous political landscape of Saint...
Plot: A semi-autobiographical comedy series from comedian Mae Martin, `Feel Good' is a deeply personal and poignant story about the unique pressures of navigating the modern-day fluid landscape of gender and sexuality. It follows recovering addict and comedian Mae, who attempts to control the addictive behaviours...