Plot: Zizigulu is an Iranian television series directed by Marzieh Boroumand. This series began in the early 1994, and aired on Iranian television until the spring of 1995. Wikipedia
Plot: Mokhtarnameh is an Iranian epic/history television series directed by Davood Mirbagheri, based on the life of Al-Mukhtar, a pro-Alid revolutionary based in Kufa, who led a rebellion against the Umayyad Caliphate in 685 and ruled over most of Iraq for eighteen months during the Second Fitna. Wikipedia...
Plot: Asre Jadid is an Iranian talent television competition. The program was produced by Ehsan Alikhani and launched on IRIB TV3 on 16 February 2019. The second season of the program began on 25 February 2020. Asre Jadid is one of the most popular programs in IRIB. Wikipedia