Plot: On the heels of a recent United States Supreme Court ruling that mandatory life terms without the possibility of parole for juveniles is a violation of the 8th Amendment, this docuseries spotlights eight convicted child offenders who are now seeking resentencing. The focus is split between the facts...
Plot: The Orphans of Nkandla is a 2004 documentary film about AIDS orphans in the South African town of Nkandla, produced and directed by Brian Woods and Deborah Shipley. The film won the Flaherty Award for Best Single Documentary at the 2005 British Academy Television Awards. Wikipedia
Plot: "Dispatches From Elsewhere" is an anthology series from creator and star Jason Segal. The story centers around four ordinary people - Peter, Simone, Janice, and Fredwynn -- who are brought together by chance after they all respond to a flyer. Feeling as though something is missing in their lives, the...
Plot: "Frontline" offers an unflinching and compelling look at complex, vital and often-controversial subjects. Each broadcast consists of a long-form news documentary. Topics run the gamut -- from Bernie Madoff's intricate fraud and prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, to AIDs, racial issues and Wal-Mart's effect...
Plot: Following social workers, foster carers, birth parents and adopters as heart-wrenchingly difficult decisions are made about the future of some of Britain's most vulnerable children.
Plot: Tom is a baker, while his brother Henry is a chef and butcher. Using the knowledge of five previous generations, the brothers unlock the trade secrets of baking and present hearty baked delights.
Plot: This programme pits four antiques dealers against one another as they bid on antiques from sellers looking to get the most they can out of the transactions. The seller has an opportunity to meet with each dealer, each of whom is in a separate room, but can only move on to the next dealer by turning...