Plot: Das Duo was a German crime series produced by TV60Filmproduktion for ZDF. The show was set in the town of Lübeck. Swiss actress Charlotte Schwab played the main role as Commissioner for Criminal Investigation Marion Ahrens, who initially works alongside Lizzy Krüger, and later Clara Hertz. Wikipedia...
Plot: Dr. Psycho – Die Bösen, die Bullen, meine Frau und ich is a German language crime comedy television series. It was broadcast from 26 March 2007 to 12 August 2008 by the German private channel ProSieben in two seasons. Wikipedia
Plot: Anwalt Abel is a German television film series, broadcast on ZDF between 1988 and 2002. 20 television films were produced, based on the detective novels of Fred Breinersdorfer. Wikipedia