Plot: Journalist Bill Moyers returns to PBS with "Moyers & Company," a weekly hour featuring conversations and debates with scholars, artists, activists, scientists, philosophers and newsmakers about issues that matter to Americans. Each episode features an essay by Moyers and regular political analyses...
Plot: "American Experience" combines dramatic re-enactments with commentary by historians and authors to present an absorbing look at the personalities, events and resources that have had a profound impact on the shaping of America's past and present. Many of the program's documentaries have received major...
Plot: Without Pity: A Film About Abilities is a 1996 American television documentary film narrated by Christopher Reeve. This documentary celebrates the efforts of the disabled to live full, productive lives. It originally premiered on HBO on October 8, 1996. The viewers meet a cross section of Americans...
Plot: Meeting of Minds is a television series, created by Steve Allen, which aired on PBS from 1977 to 1981. The show featured guests who played significant roles in world history. Guests would interact with each other and host Steve Allen, discussing philosophy, religion, history, science, and many other...
Plot: Since its premiere in 1986, this Emmy-winning documentary series has presented hundreds of hours comprising profiles of outstanding American cultural artists. Past subjects have included Charlie Chaplin, Helen Hayes, pop icon Andy Warhol, singer Billie Holliday and composer-conductor Leonard Bernstein...
Plot: Journalist Jeff Glor, who had also served as a news anchor of The Early Show and now acts as special correspondent for CBS This Morning, anchors the Sunday edition of the CBS news program, offering information on breaking national and international news as well as various news features and human interest...
Plot: Lester Holt offers a report of the day's major international and domestic news stories each weeknight. In addition to the top news of the day, broadcasts feature human-interest segments called Making a Difference, which spotlight ordinary Americans making the lives of those around them better.
Plot: CBS Reports is the umbrella title used for documentaries by CBS News which aired starting in 1959 through the 1990s. The series sometimes aired as a wheel series rotating with 60 Minutes, as a series of its own, or as specials. The program aired as a constant series from 1959 to 1971. Wikipedia
Plot: Veteran, Emmy Award-winning public affairs journalist Bill Moyers (who began his career in the newspaper industry) hosts this weekly series aimed at enriching the conversation of and about democracy by featuring fresh and original voices, perspectives that reflect a diversity of insight and experience...
Plot: Since its premiere in 1986, this Emmy-winning documentary series has presented hundreds of hours comprising profiles of outstanding American cultural artists. Past subjects have included Charlie Chaplin, Helen Hayes, pop icon Andy Warhol, singer Billie Holliday and composer-conductor Leonard Bernstein...
Plot: Bill Moyers searches for answers to perplexing questions, such as how emotions translate to chemicals, how feelings influence health, and how people can collaborate with their bodies to encourage healing.
Plot: Journalist Bill Moyers examines various forms of creative expression by interviewing noted artists and performers regarding their influences and inspiration, and looking at unusual outlets for the creative impulse.