Plot: Soundstage is an American live concert television series produced by WTTW Chicago and HD Ready. The original series aired for 13 seasons between 1974 and 1985; a new series of seasons began in 2003, with the latest starting in April 2018, each presented in high-definition with surround sound. Wikipedia...
Plot: TopPop was the first regular dedicated pop music television series in the Dutch language area. The Netherlands broadcaster AVRO aired the programme weekly, from September 22, 1970 to June 27, 1988. Presenter Ad Visser hosted for its first fifteen years. The creator and original director of TopPop was...
Plot: The performing arts anthology series brings best from the worlds of music and dance into viewers' living rooms. From classical music and opera to ballet and musical theater, cameras capture the stage performances of some of the best artists in the world.
Plot: This program is a late-night talk and variety show. The viewers can watch their favorite celebrities and newsworthy people with a new host, Conan O' Brien, to lighten the evening.
Plot: Country music stars collaborate with performers from other musical genres and exchange stories about their mutual love for music. Some of the pairings that have been featured on the show include: Willie Nelson and Sheryl Crow; Sugarland and Bon Jovi; Taylor Swift and Def Leppard.
Plot: This long-running concert series features artists from every musical genre in a live-music setting. Originally created to shine a spotlight on original Texas music, the show has expanded its boundaries to encompass a wide range of styles and artists, featuring notables such as Pearl Jam, Elvis Costello...
Plot: In the show named after him, singer-songwriter Marty Stuart hosts and performs with his band, The Fabulous Superlatives, while welcoming other regular cast members and weekly guests. The regulars include Country Music Hall of Fame inductee -- and Stuart's wife -- Connie Smith, and announcer/sidekick...
Plot: Music legend Elvis Costello goes behind the mike in a different way as he chats with a legendary lineup of music luminaries about their craft, the power of music and how it impacts its creators and listeners. The hour-long episodes also feature an intimate collaborative performance by Costello and...
Plot: America: A Tribute to Heroes was a benefit concert created by the heads of the four major American broadcast networks; Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS. Joel Gallen was selected by them to produce and run the show. Actor George Clooney organised celebrities to perform and to staff the telephone bank. Wikipedia...
Plot: Storytellers is a television music series produced by the VH1 network. In each episode, artists perform in front of a live audience, and tell stories about their music, writing experiences and memories, somewhat similar to MTV Unplugged. Wikipedia
Plot: A landmark production that first aired in the 1970s, director Tony Palmer's 17-part documentary covers the history of modern popular music, from its earliest origins through the mid-'70s. Among the included genres are folk, ragtime, musical theatre, swing, jazz, blues and of course rock 'n' roll. Palmer...