Plot: Ladies, if you're expecting Harrison Ford to run across your screen wearing nothing but a fedora and carrying a bullwhip, you're out of luck. Instead, this show finds previously "serious" documentarian Simcha Jacobovici channeling his inner Michael Moore, as he travels the Middle East seeking to uncover...
Plot: Quirky film reports and live experiments examine the changing technological world with a journalistic eye, communicating complex scientific ideas to everyone.
Plot: Sid Roth takes viewers on a spiritual quest explaining them about the life of Jesus Christ and the effect of his miracles on real people, featuring real-life stories of people who underwent suffering.
Plot: America is full of archaeological secrets buried in the earth. In this programme, forensic geologist Scott Wolter - considered a real-life Indiana Jones by some - travels across the country to uncover some of the hidden treasures and to reveal the history associated with them, discovering in the process...