Plot: "A Place in the Sun" follows the warmth of the winter sun in this edition of the long-running British program, which chronicles the adventures of house hunters searching for dream properties outside of Britain. Whether looking for a holiday home, a retirement retreat or a fresh start, the buyers in...
Plot: Presenters Sara Damergi and Kerr Drummond compete to find home buyers their ideal dwelling in this property series. House hunters from across the UK enlist the help of the experts to assist them in finding their dream home, in a desired location. Each host takes on the task by tracking an array of...
Plot: The presenters take the prospective buyers around to different houses in the country. The desire for more room, cleaner air and less noise drives city dwellers featured in this series to seek an escape to the country.
Plot: In order to become the perfect dinner party host, each participant takes turn during the week to cook and entertain the rest. The rivals, meanwhile, snoop around the house and award points in the end.
Plot: A couple is given a certain amount to spend on their wedding. However, the groom must plan every detail of the entire wedding by himself, while staying apart from his bride-to-be.
Plot: Presented by designer and writer Kevin McCloud, each episode follows different people who have set out to pursue their vision of a dream home by building it themselves. Each project is completely unique, with many calling for custom-made elements that make the final result not only a home, but also...
Plot: Some people buy antiques to collect them, while others purchase old items that they think will make them a profit when selling them on. The antique experts in this series fall into the latter category as they head out on a trip across Britain in search of hidden treasures at bargain prices. They then...