Plot: This documentary series follows two lion prides that share overlapping territory in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia. Over the course of six months, filming 24 hours per day, a specialist camera team tracks two separate lion families while encamped deep in the bush. A close, but somewhat dangerous...
Plot: Into the Lion's Den is a Discovery Channel documentary about zoologist and big cat trainer Dave Salmoni, armed only with a camera on a pole, carefully conditioning a wild pride of lions to accept his presence. Wikipedia
Plot: This is the story of two remarkable - and extremely rare - wild white lion cubs on their journey to adulthood. Both are female, sisters born as white as snow in May 2009 in South Africa's Kruger Park.
Plot: The saga of three lion families linked together by a strange, charmed place: a beautiful oasis on the Mwagusi River in Tanzania, where there is always water called the Glade.