Plot: Telejornal is the flagship evening television news program aired each day at 20:00 on the Portuguese public television channel RTP1, the flagship channel of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal. The first show aired on 19 October 1959 and has kept its name since. The title translates as tele-journal...
Plot: Zig Zag is a Portuguese children's programming block broadcast daily on RTP2, RTP1 and RTP Internacional from Portugal. It airs programming that is targeted for young people from ages 3â17. It airs daily on the weekdays from 07:00 to 11:15 WET, and again later on in the day from 16...
Plot: The Voice Portugal is a Portuguese reality singing competition and local version of The Voice, originally broadcast as The Voice of Holland. It premiered on 29 October 2011, on RTP1, with the first-season finale airing on February 25, 2012, crowning Denis Filipe as the winner. Wikipedia
Plot: In each topic there is two main opiniones. In this debate show held in national television splitting opiniones between hot society topics are presented and defended by each side.