Plot: Russo and Anna are trying to make it in Hollywood. Journalist Jenny Lerner is assigned to look into the background of Secretary Alan Rittenhouse who abruptly resigned from government citing his wife's ill health. She learns from his secretary that Rittenhouse was having an affair with someone named...
Plot: The U.S. must join forces with the U.S.S.R. in order to destroy a gigantic asteroid heading straight for Earth. After a collision with a comet, a nearly five mile (eight kilometer) wide piece of the asteroid "Orpheus" is heading toward Earth. If it hits, it will cause an incredible catastrophe which...
Plot: This multilingual crime-drama follows a group of European investigators working together to tackle crime in major cities across Europe. Their journey begins when three prostitutes are found murdered, all in the same way, and all in different countries. However, as the case evolves, the detectives also...
Plot: Based on the award-winning comic book series by Charles Forsman, `The End of the World' sees two 17-year-old outsiders, James and Alyssa, embark on a road trip to find Alyssa's estranged father, who left home when she was just a child. James, who's pretty convinced he's a psychopath, has decided...
Plot: Meteor Shower is a 2009 Chinese television series starring Zheng Shuang, Hans Zhang, Yu Haoming, Vision Wei and Zhu Zixiao. It premiered on Hunan TV on August 8, 2009. Due to the success and popularity of Japanese manga Hana Yori Dango and its franchise, Hunan TV decided to create a new series based...
Plot: Judgement Day was a short-lived gameshow that broadcast on ITV, and presented by comedian and entertainer Brian Conley. The show was broadcast on Saturday nights, but due to low viewing figures of about 3 million the show was pulled after two episodes. This was the final show by Conley to be shown...
Plot: When scientist Dr Madison Taylor discovers an asteroid the size of Texas is heading for Earth, she sets out to destroy it - with or without the help of the military.