Plot: Dogs are known as man's best friend, so it goes without saying that the animals form tight bonds with their caregivers. This docuseries celebrates those bonds between people and their beloved four-legged buddies. "Dogs" profiles people and their pooches, telling stories from around the world -- including...
Plot: Our loveable family pets compete to win the Scruffts title. Unlike the pedigree pooches who take part at the Crufts dog show, these dogs are crossbreeds competing in categories, such as Child's Best Friend, Most Handsome Dog and Best Rescue.
Plot: There are over 300 breeds of dogs across the world. Taking a look at the breeds that take the top spot when it comes to the highest performing jobs in the workforce.
Plot: With more than one million reports of animal cruelty and mistreatment every year, the RSPCA is under increased pressure to keep Britain's pets safe from abusive owners and unscrupulous breeders. `The Dog Rescuers' follows the organisation's inspectors as they track down some of the UK's abused and...
Plot: In Smithsonian Channel's three-part series, "Amazing Dogs," biologist Patrick Aryee follows the twists and turns of the canine family tree, traveling from the Americas to Asia and Africa. He meets dangerous and wondrous wild dogs, including the Arctic fox, the maned wolf and the racoon dog. He also...