Plot: This 30-minute international newscast produced by Japan's national public broadcaster NHK looks at the realities of Asia today. From the diminishing natural coral along the coast of Boracay to the recruitment efforts by The Republic of Korea to find foreign workers to offset its labor shortage and...
Plot: Explores the humour and drama behind the scenes of television production company Lockhart Productions, which produces the one-hour mid-week current affairs programme Assignment for the Five Network, following the private and working lives, successes and failures of the people who work in front of and...
Plot: The host sheds light on ways to be better prepared for natural disasters by building close-knit communities, implementing the right safety measures for evacuation and communicating properly.
Plot: In this limited series, former CIA agent Bob Baer and former LAPD Lt. Adam Bercovici take a look at more than 2 million declassified government files regarding the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The files provide new evidence about the activities of Lee Harvey Oswald -- Kennedy's...
Plot: The hosts shed light on the emergence of sake, an alcoholic beverage from Japan, in France and the United States of America alongside its unique composition.