Plot: Wind and Cloud 2 is a Taiwanese television series based on Hong Kong artist Ma Wing-shing's manhua series Fung Wan. The series was first broadcast on CTV in Taiwan in 2004. Wikipedia
Plot: "Come on down!" "The Price Is Right" -- hosted by Bob Barker until 2007 and Drew Carey thereafter -- features a wide variety of games and contests with the same basic challenge: Guess the prices of everyday (or not-quite-everyday) retail items. Four contestants, all of whom are seated in one of the...
Plot: A magic family who are Ma Pa-ram, Poong Woon, Ahn Ji-ni, Ma Ye Ye and Ma Suri visits the human world to learn human's emotions when the supernatural world is chaotic.
Plot: Lee Yoon-ho is a motorcycle mania who engages in fights at school. He is also known for his high kick. Kee Nin-ho enjoys working on scale models and web blogs. These brothers are born a year apart.