Plot: Die Cleveren is a German television series that was produced from 1998 to 2003 on RTL. It is about a nationwide special unit of the German Bundeskriminalamt, dealing with serial offenders. Wikipedia
Plot: Küstenwache is a German television series that tells the fictionalized adventures of a unit of Federal Coast Guard officers off the German coast of the Baltic Sea. It was aired on public broadcasting channel ZDF for 17 seasons from 1997 to 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: `Paranoid', written by Bill Gallagher, features an all-star cast including Indira Varma, Robert Glenister, Neil Stuke and Lesley Sharp. The drama follows the mystery behind the murder of a local female GP, Angela Benton. When the incident takes place in a rural children's playground in front of several...
Plot: After a well-watered party on the day of his 18th birthday, Cédric has a spectacular and serious car accident. On board the sports car is Sarah, her 17-year-old childhood friend. For the two seriously injured youngsters, as well as for their parents, life falls that night. In addition to the physical...
Plot: George Altman, a concerned father, moves with his teenage daughter Tessa to a peaceful suburb. However, things are not the way he planned as a series of hilarious incidences are about to commence.
Plot: Arme Millionäre is an Austro-German comedy-drama television film series first aired on RTL on 22 August 2005. 12 episodes were aired between then and 2006. The series is about a billionaire family who suddenly find themselves poor. Wikipedia
Plot: Legend has it that Bristol Cove was once home to mermaids. Now, this coastal town has a mysterious new visitor in a girl named Ryn, who may just prove that all of the stories are true. Ryn catches the eye of local marine biologist Ben, and when he begins to show interest, fellow marine biologist Maddie...
Plot: Jack Whicher is a tenacious detective who left the Metropolitan Police under mysterious circumstances and is looking to pursue a new career as a private inquiry agent in Victorian England. In his new role, he investigates crimes that take him on his own journey of escape and discovery. Whicher's investigations...
Plot: Season 2 features a new storyline and cast headed by Suranne Jones. She portrays Laurie Franklin, an off-duty police officer who finds herself caught up in a strange sequence of events beginning when a commuter train is halted by a suicide jumper. Laurie then learns that a newborn baby has been abandoned...