Description: Genre: Documentary, Music Year Released: 2003 Number of seasons: 3 Number of episodes: 66 First episode air date: January 5, 2003 Cast: Mikko Silvennoinen
Plot: Arto Kalevi Nyberg is a Finnish journalist working for Yleisradio. He hosts his own talk show called Arto Nyberg. Before getting his own show, Nyberg worked as a journalist and host on the Finnish morning television programme Aamu-TV. For two years in a row, Nyberg received the Venla award for best...
Plot: Levyraati was a Finnish television show which ran from the 1961â1992 originally on YLE and starting from 1992 on MTV3. It was based on the British Juke Box Jury. The show was originally hosted by Jaakko Jahnukainen and for a brief period by Vesa Nuotio. Wikipedia
Plot: Uutisvuoto is the Finnish version of the popular British television quiz show Have I Got News For You. Broadcast on Saturday nights on Yle TV1 since 1998, the show received very high viewing figures. Uutisvuoto was aired on Yle TV1 from 1998 until May 2018, then moved to MTV3 in January 2019. Wikipedia...
Plot: Tinsel Town is a television drama co-produced by BBC Scotland and Raindog/Deep Indigo Productions. It ran for two series, the first debuting on BBC Two in 2000 and the second airing on BBC Choice the following year. Developed by Raindog, the series was created by Robbie Allen, Stuart Davids and Martin...
Plot: Entertainment newsmagazines have been a staple for years. "OK! TV" evolved from a veteran of the genre: OK! magazine. It leverages content from that and sister publications Star and Soap Opera Digest. The half-hour show covers all types of events in the world of diversion, from fashion to celebrity...
Plot: Get behind the scenes on the newest blockbusters that will explode in the cinemas with First Look, a dedicated show, showcasing best of Hollywood.
Plot: Rosie O'Donnell plays "The Queen of Nice" in this weekday chatfest, welcoming a formidable roster of celebrity guests, promoting her favorite charities and boosting Broadway every chance she gets.
Plot: This program is a late-night talk and variety show. The viewers can watch their favorite celebrities and newsworthy people with a new host, Conan O' Brien, to lighten the evening.
Plot: Die Harald Schmidt Show was a German late night talk show hosted on Sky Deutschland by comedian Harald Schmidt. The show first aired from 5 December 1995 to 23 December 2003 on Sat.1. Schmidt then moved his show to Das Erste as Harald Schmidt and Schmidt & Pocher, but he returned to Sat.1 on 13 September...