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32 Brinkburn Street
Description: Lives of two generations living in the same house in Manchester. Genre: Drama Year Released: 2011 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 5 First episode air date: March 28, 2011 Network: BBC One Genre: Drama Language: English
Plot: After a gap of 30 years Doctor Blake has returned to his hometown which is seething with change. The people turn to him to solve unresolved mysteries and much more.
Plot: Nick Monohan is appointed as the new chief of police for 'The Gates', a suburb inhabited by vampires, werewolves, witches and other supernatural entities.
Plot: After Tom and Jesse marry at the early age of eighteen without the approval of their parents, they struggle to maintain their relationship with issues creating a barrier between their families.
Plot: Tired of their perpetual single status, five friends at very different stages of their lives make the bold decision to pool their funds and buy a house together. What comes next is a tale of commitment and its consequences, with good measures of love and heartbreak expected as part of such an intricate...
Plot: The lives of four ordinary women change when they become saleswomen for Ann Summers, where they have to sell lingerie and sex toys to other women.
Plot: Following the detectives of an elite murder investigation squad in London; the team is lead by the experienced Detective Inspector David Bradford, whose wife has been missing for the past three months: a case he has been unable to solve.
Plot: Created by Roland Moore, `Land Girls' follows the lives and loves of four girls away from home, doing their bit for Britain in the Women's Land Army. Set on the Hoxley Manor estate, against the backdrop of war-weary Britain in the 1940s, the series depicts how the girls balance their working lives at...
Plot: In a comedy-drama set in the 1960s, a South Wales coal mining community is changed forever following the death of the local doctor, whose replacement comes as quite a shock to the villagers. High-flying Delhi graduate Dr Prem Sharma and his wife, Kamini, eschew a glamorous lifestyle in London for the...
Plot: With humble beginnings as a street kid, Walter Clark Jr. follows his ambition and manages to become the youngest police commissioner in New York history. As he is interviewed for a story about his career, he looks back on his meteoric rise and the personal and professional price he paid to achieve it...
Plot: Based on the novels by best-selling author Elsebeth Egholm, this dark crime series features 90-minute standalone mysteries that follow the investigations of a special Copenhagen police unit that targets serial killers. The unit's protagonists, ambitious and headstrong DCI Katrine Ries Jensen and cerebral...
Plot: Out of the Blue is a British television crime drama series, set and filmed in Sheffield, and broadcast on BBC One between 23 May 1995, and 9 September 1996. A total of twelve episodes were broadcast across two series. John Hannah and David Morrissey starred as the main protagonists in each respective...
Plot: As the first woman police constable to serve in her West Midlands hometown, Gina Dawson is determined to prove she belongs as a 1950s policewoman working in a man's world. She's excited to be the lead on cases, but her independent, outspoken style clashes with the expectations others have for her new...
Plot: An adaptation of the classic novel by Wilkie Collins, `The Moonstone' is considered the first true detective tale in the English language. On her 18th birthday, Rachel Verinder, a young English woman, inherits a large diamond passed down by her uncle. When the diamond is stolen after a lavish birthday...
Plot: The Afternoon Play is a British television anthology series, which consists of standalone contemporary dramas first shown during the daytime on BBC One. The first episode, entitled "Turkish Delight", aired on 27 January 2003. Since, a total of twenty-five episodes have been broadcast across five series...
Plot: Terra ribelle is a TV series in 2010 and 2012 on Rai 1. The series follows the evolution of the intricate relationship between the two childhood friends Andrea and Iacopo, and two noble sisters decayed, ... Wikipedia