Plot: Scrap Teacher: KyÅshi Saisei is a Japanese school comedy/drama series aired on NTV at 21:00-21:54 every Saturday from October 11 to December 6, 2008. It consisted of nine episodes. Scrap Teacher was produced by Yuko Hazeyama and Masahiro Uchiyama from a screenplay by Fumie Mizuhashi. Wikipedia...
Plot: Momikeshite Fuyu: Three elite siblings-a doctor (eldest son), a lawyer (only daughter), and a cop (youngest son)-go all out to solve a problem that's destroying their family's peace.
Plot: Perfect Son is comedy-drama television series starring Hey! Say! JUMP's Ryosuke Yamada and KyÅka Suzuki, which aired on NTV from 21:00-21:54 on Saturday nights from January 14, 2012 to March 17, 2012. The screenplay was written by Shinji Nojima. Wikipedia
Plot: Yowakutemo Katemasu: Aoshi Sensei to Heppoko KÅkÅ KyÅ«ji no YabÅ is a Japanese television drama series based on the non-fiction novel by Hidemine Takahashi. Kazunari Ninomiya, who is a member of the Japanese idol group Arashi, played the lead role. Wikipedia
Plot: Mou Yuukai Nante Shinai is a Japanese drama special based on the novel of the same name by Tokuya Higashigawa and directed by Yuichi Sato. It received a viewership rating of 13.9%. Wikipedia
Plot: Niini no Koto o Wasurenaide is a special drama that was broadcast on NTV on August 29, 2009 and starred Ryo Nishikido in the title role. The special was based on a true story and the original novel of the same name by Kawakami Masumi. Wikipedia
Plot: This drama is a remake of the popular suspense drama The Devil that aired in Korea in 2007. A two-faced lawyer, a Detective and a woman with Token-object reading abilities are linked to a mysterious series of murders about revenge.
Plot: Shinigami-kun is a Japanese television drama series based on the manga of the same name by Koichi Endo. The screenwriter is Hiroshi Hashimoto who is known for Thermae Romae 2 and Flying Colors. Satoshi Ohno, who is a member of the Japanese idol group Arashi, played the lead role. Wikipedia
Plot: Sekai Ichi Muzukashii Koi is a 2016 Japanese television drama series broadcast by Nippon TV. It received a viewership rating of 12.9% on average. Wikipedia
Plot: Saigo no Yakusoku is a Japanese drama special starring the members of Japanese boy band Arashi in their first drama together in nearly ten years. Wikipedia
Plot: The story revolves around an unconventional children's show called "Minna de Utao!" Kenta is a young musician whose band breaks up and who gets dumped by his girlfriend. To top it off, his own family labels him as useless. Unexpectedly, he becomes an "uta no oniisan," a singing character on the children...