Plot: Canned Carrott is a comedy stand-up and sketch-show by Jasper Carrott. It gave rise to a spin-off series, and made the names of regular contributors Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis. Two of the regular sketches were "Wiggy" and "The Detectives". "Wiggy" followed the adventures of a man with an unconvincing...
Plot: "The Detectives" brings gripping and factual work of detectives to life. Every hourlong episode features a different detective as he relives his most challenging investigation and reflects on the impact it had in relation to Canadian law enforcement and the Canadian way of life. Intimate and raw interviews...
Plot: Carrott's Lib is a British satirical comedy series broadcast between 2 October 1982 and 30 December 1983. It starred Jasper Carrott and a cast of many comedians. Wikipedia
Plot: Cool It is a British television comedy series which first aired on BBC Two between 30 August 1985 and 18 December 1990. It was a vehicle for comedian Phil Cool. Wikipedia