Plot: This three-part adaptation of Eugene McCabe's 1992 novel illustrates the 24-hour period of young Beth Winters' 23rd birthday in Fermanagh, 1885, as she decides to elope with the handsome Liam to escape her claustrophobic life and violent father. Decades of family anger and tragedy come to a head, as...
Plot: Tierra de Lobos is a western set in 19th century Spain. Translated as Land of Wolves, it's actually named after Anotonio Lobo, the wealthy landowner who controls and owns most of the land. His whole world turns upside down when two outlaws, Cesar and Roman Bravo, decide to return to their childhood...
Plot: The judge named Sara has moved to Calenda, along with her teenage daughter, Leire. Her plan to rebuild the family life has been spoiled when her husband disappears. This will be the first of a series of shocking events that will convince the judge that Calenda is not the peaceful place as it seemed...
Plot: Herederos is a Spanish television prime time series produced by Cuarzo Producciones for Televisión Española that was broadcast on La 1 of Televisión Española from 2007 to 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Serialized show that takes us directly to the years of the Spanich Civil War and the years of Franco's regime. Featuring a great cast of young actors that are well known for their interpretations in our country.
Plot: Three officers from different eras work for a secret government agency, guarding Spain's past from time-travelling intruders trying to manipulate history for their own ends.
Plot: Hospital Central is a Spanish television series that follows the professional and personal lives of the staff of the fictitious Hospital Central in Madrid. New episodes are shown by Telecinco network in Spain, and cable/satellite channel FactorÃa de Ficción reruns them a couple of weeks later...
Plot: The life of Sira, a dressmaker consumed by the love of a man, left the turmoil of Madrid prior to the Civil War at Tangier, where she inadvertently becomes part of an espionage scheme.