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21 Beacon Street
Description: 21 Beacon Street is an American detective television series that originally aired on NBC from July 2 to September 10, 1959. Wikipedia Genre: Drama Year Released: 1959 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 13 First episode air date: July 2, 1959 Network: NBC
Plot: The Asphalt Jungle is a 1961 United States police drama television series starring Jack Warden, Arch Johnson, and Bill Smith about a squad of detectives targeting organized crime in New York City. Inspired by the 1950 film The Asphalt Jungle, it aired from April 2 to June 25, 1961. Wikipedia
Plot: Philip Marlowe is a fictional character created by Raymond Chandler. Marlowe first appeared under that name in The Big Sleep, published in 1939. Chandler's early short stories, published in pulp magazines like Black Mask and Dime Detective, featured similar characters with names like "Carmady" and "...
Plot: Michael Lanyard is a debonair gentleman who travels the world solving crimes and getting lawbreakers arrested. He operates on the edge of what is legal and occasionally finds time to romance the beautiful women he encounters.
Plot: Harbor Command is an American police series that was syndicated from October 11, 1957, to July 4, 1958. The series stars Wendell Corey as Captain Ralph Baxter, an officer of the Harbor Police of a large coastal city. Wikipedia
Plot: This Man Dawson is a syndicated drama television series starring Keith Andes as a former United States Marine Corps colonel hired to clean up police corruption in an undisclosed American city. The thirty-three episodes, in which Andes portrayed Chief Frank Dawson, aired during the 1959-1960 television...
Plot: The Silent Force is a 1970รข1971 United States police drama television series about three United States Government undercover agents who fight organized crime starring Ed Nelson, Percy Rodriguez, and Lynda Day. It aired from September 21, 1970, to January 11, 1971. Wikipedia
Plot: Jigsaw John is an American crime drama television series that aired from February 2 until June 14, 1976, based on the career of real-life LAPD Robbery-Homicide Detective "Jigsaw John" St. John. It was preceded, during the previous television season, by the TV-movie They Only Come Out at Night. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Files of Jeffrey Jones is an American crime drama that aired in syndication from 1954 to 1955. It was produced by CBS Films in response to the popularity of The Cases of Eddie Drake, which had become a hit after CBS filmed it but sold it to the DuMont Network. Jones was a private investigator in...
Plot: Code 3 is an American crime drama that aired in syndication in 1957. The stories were all based on actual files of the Los Angeles sheriff's office. Stories were presented from the viewpoint of Assistant Sheriff George Barnett. Wikipedia
Plot: The Brothers Brannagan is an American crime drama television series that aired in syndication from September 24, 1960, to July 15, 1961. Wikipedia
Plot: The Man From Blackhawk is a Western television series starring Robert Rockwell that aired on ABC from October 9, 1959, until September 9, 1960. The series was created and produced by Herb Meadow. Wikipedia
Plot: McGraw is a solitary type who manages to get entangled in the stopping of criminal activity despite not having any official capacity. He often doesn't carry a weapon, especially if an attractive woman is involved.
Plot: Johnny Midnight is an American crime drama that aired for one season in syndication from January 3, 1960 to September 21, 1960. The series stars Edmond O'Brien as the title character. Wikipedia
Plot: The D.A.'s Man is an American television crime drama, produced by Jack Webb, that aired on NBC from January 3, 1959, to August 29, 1959. The central character, who went by the single name Shannon, was a private detective who worked for the Manhattan district attorney. Wikipedia
Plot: Straightaway is an American adventure-drama television series starring Brian Kelly and John Ashley which centers around two partners in an automobile workshop who design race cars. Original episodes aired from October 6, 1961, until April 4, 1962. Wikipedia
Plot: The Cases of Eddie Drake is an American crime drama series which aired on the DuMont Television Network. The series ran during 1952, and was a crime drama originally filmed for CBS Television by Imppro, a small outfit in 1949. Wikipedia