Plot: This long-running documentary series follows the work of Wildlife Aid, an animal rescue and rehabilitation centre based in Surrey, England. The show is presented by Wildlife Aid co-founder Simon Cowell (not the famous music executive) and veterinary nurse Sara Cowen. While Cowell is generally featured...
Plot: For 17 years from 1981 to 1998, the Humber Bridge was the longest single-span suspension bridge in the world, and many consider it to be Britain's most beautiful. Rob Bell discovers the facts about its ground-breaking construction.
Plot: 5 News, also known as Channel 5 News, is the news programme of British broadcaster Channel 5, produced by ITN from its main newsroom on Gray's Inn Road, London. Wikipedia
Plot: The ITV Evening News is the evening news programme produced by ITN on the British television network ITV. It broadcasts for thirty minutes each Monday to Friday from 18:30, covering British national and international news stories and is presented by Mary Nightingale. Wikipedia
Plot: Various couples work together to plan a perfect dinner. From deciding the menu and entertainment to table arrangement, they compete with other teams to win the highest scores and the prize.
Plot: The ITV Lunchtime News is the afternoon news programme produced by ITN on the British television network ITV. It broadcasts for twenty-five minutes each Monday to Friday from 13:30, covering British national and international news stories and is presented by Nina Hossain. Wikipedia
Plot: ITV Nightscreen is a scheduled programme on the ITV television network, consisting of a sequence of animated pages of information about ITV's upcoming programmes, features and special events, with an easy listening music soundtrack. Wikipedia
Plot: House Doctor is a television programme, originally broadcast on Channel 5 in the UK. Each week, the House Doctor - Californian real-estate stylist, Ann Maurice - helps UK home-owners sell their houses with her industry know-how and style tips. Wikipedia