Plot: Kevin Smith ("Comic Book Men," "Clerks") and Greg Grunberg ("Heroes," "Star Wars: The Force Awakens") share their deep passion for all things pop culture by taking a timely look at the genre through a fanboy lens. The 30-minute show features discussions, clips, celebrity interviews and out-of-the-studio...
Plot: Kevin Smith discusses new movies in a talk show which is geared -- not toward movie critics but -- toward regular people and movie fans. In each episode, Smith welcomes a celebrity guest and a group of average moviegoers to discuss the latest movies. They share what they liked about the movie, including...
Plot: AMC dives into the comic book culture with this unscripted series that follows the antics of the "fanboys" in and around Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash, a New Jersey comic shop owned by writer-director Kevin Smith. Cameras capture the banter of the shop's employees and its customers as they collectively...
Plot: "After Trek" serves as the ultimate weekly forum for "Star Trek" fans with in-depth discussions and recaps of the latest "Star Trek: Discovery" episode. Each "After Trek" episode features host Matt Mira talking in-studio or via video feed with "Star Trek: Discovery" cast members and crew along with...
Plot: Continuing the trend of cable networks offering an after-show following episodes of hit shows, this half-hour program analyzes what viewers saw on the recent installment of "Orphan Black." Hosts Ajay Fry, Morgan Hoffman and Teddy Wilson lead the discussions -- which often include members of the cast...
Plot: Nickelodeon uses "The After Party" to join the trend of cable networks airing shows that discuss programs that were on earlier in the night. Stars from Nick shows sit down to chat about the episode that just aired and the making of it, including favorite on-set moments. The discussions go beyond their...
Plot: "Elseworlds" is the fifth annual Arrowverse crossover event that features episodes of the live-action television series The Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl on The CW. The crossover event began on December 9, 2018, with The Flash, continued on Arrow on December 10, and concluded on Supergirl on December...
Plot: "Crisis on Earth-X" is the fourth annual Arrowverse crossover event, featuring episodes of the live-action television series Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow on The CW. Wikipedia
Plot: A brutal attack by The Joker kills Catwoman and leaves Batgirl in a wheelchair. Grieving over the loss of his secret love, Catwoman, Batman leaves New Gotham to fend for itself. Afterward, Batgirl redefines herself as "Oracle" and takes the secret daughter of Batman and Catwoman, "Huntress," under...
Plot: "Flash vs. Arrow" is the inaugural Arrowverse crossover event, broadcast on The CW, featuring episodes of the Arrowverse television series The Flash and Arrow. The event began on December 2, 2014, with The Flash episode "Flash vs. Arrow" and concluded the next day with the Arrow episode "The Brave...
Plot: Jefferson Pierce, a vigilante with the power to harness electricity, is forced to come out of retirement and fight the increasing crime in his neighbourhood.
Plot: Rip Hunter, a time traveller, comes to know of Vandal Savage's plan to cause an apocalypse to destroy Earth and time. However, he assembles superheroes to thwart Savage's evil plan and save the world.
Plot: Demon hunter and master of the occult John Constantine figured there was no longer any point in fighting the good fight since his soul belongs to the netherworld, but when demons target the daughter of one of his closest friends, Liv, he reluctantly rejoins the battle. It turns out that Liv has second...