Plot: With comedian Mo'Nique at the helm, this late-night party promises to bridge the gap between "old school" and the current entertainment culture through humorous segments that honor legendary stars as well as spotlight current celebrities. The hourlong episodes also feature interviews with A-list guests...
Plot: Leaning on one another to navigate the challenges of life, love and matrimony is the theme of this romantic comedy. It centers on engaged couple Stacy, a successful pediatrician, and Charles, a self-employed contractor; married couple Tasha, who is Stacy's younger sister and the mother of twin babies...
Plot: This scripted drama combines fictional and real-life characters and moments to tell the story of a young, ambitious and troubled entrepreneur who created "Soul Train," one of the most predominant television shows for African-American culture. Set in the early 1970s and filled with music, dance, fashion...
Plot: Dr. Jones and the Nashville Super Choir perform both traditional and contemporary gospel music and welcome today's most-talented singers and musicians to perform.
Plot: Series featuring experts revising failing businesses are ubiquitous, with the focus on bars, hotels, real estate, restaurants and salons. In this one, choral groups receive the mentoring. Each episode sees a struggling choir getting unexpected coaching from gospel singer Deitrick Haddon and soprano...
Plot: The 2015 MTV Video Music Awards were held on August 30, 2015. The 32nd installment of the event was held at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, California, and hosted by Miley Cyrus. Wikipedia