Plot: Many families are content to have just two or three children. Then there are the families featured in this series, families that have as many as 15 kids. The Sullivan family, from Kent, has nine children with twins on the way. Strict Catholics, they believe that kids are a blessing from God and that...
Plot: Before Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar decided to expand their family even more, this is where it began in the reality TV business for the famous Arkansas clan, as cameras followed the every move of the parents and their 17 children. Since then, of course, Michelle has had two more kids, and the series...
Plot: In the latest installment in the Duggar franchise, the network focuses on the family's older children as they celebrate some of life's milestone moments, including big moves, the realities of growing up, and raising their own families. "19 Kids and Counting" spinoff "Counting On" (formerly "Jill &...
Plot: Gil and Kelly Jo Bates live in the picturesque hills of Tennessee, away from the crush of urban surroundings and free from distractions such as television and video games. But there's always plenty to do, and life is never boring. That's because Gil and Kelly Jo are parents to 19 children -- 10 girls...