Plot: While its premise is similar, this Golf Channel program isn't quite the equivalent to castoffs from "Dancing With the Stars" making next-day "Good Morning America" appearances. Yes, "Big Break Academy" serves as a postmortem for eliminated contestants of the network's popular reality series "Big Break...
Plot: Class is in session with Martin Hall, an award-winning golf teacher who has taught several players on the PGA Tour, Champions Tour and LPGA Tour. Each week his unique teaching style is on display with tips and drills utilizing an in-studio golf simulator. Joined by co-host and former "Big Break" champion...
Plot: By using social media and other technology platforms, avid golfers directly influence the content of this live instructional series -- and they get a golf lesson, to boot! Viewers connect with the show through Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, for instance, to receive swing tips and other feedback from...
Plot: Get your game in shape with head pro Michael Breed, one of Golf Magazine's top 100 instructors, who uses a rapid-fire, in-your-face delivery to answer viewers' email questions and to demonstrate ways to correct everything from swing flaws to set-up issues. Breed, the PGA of America's National Teacher...
Plot: It's 1832 in West Yorkshire, England -- the cradle of the evolving Industrial Revolution -- where landowner Anne Lister is determined to save her faded ancestral home, Shibden Hall, even if it means bucking society's expectations. In addition to reopening the coal mines, a part of Lister's plan to...
Plot: Professional golfer Steve Elkington talks about the sport he knows well in this half-hour show that takes a look at golf courses across North America. In addition to top courses, Elkington, instructor Mike Maves and former Masters champion Jackie Burke Jr. give insights on the game. "The Rural Golfer...
Plot: Wilson Sporting Goods' unique challenge to aspiring golf club designers across the U.S. -- invent a cutting-edge driver -- culminates in a first-of-its-kind TV series. "Driver vs. Driver" follows the trials and tribulations of the finalists -- 11 teams composed of golf professionals, former club manufacturers...