Plot: The Robshaw family, featured in the BBC series `Back in Time for Dinner', travel back in time once more to celebrate Christmas festivities. Beginning in the 1940s, the household re-creates a typical Christmas day of that period before doing it all again for the next six decades. The wartime era sees...
Plot: This observational documentary series follows the patients and staff at the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital as they celebrate the holiday season. With over 200,000 patient visits each year, the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital provides specialist healthcare services for children and young...
Plot: Gareth Malone and Karen Gibson reveal the stories and legends behind some of Britain's Christmas traditions, unwrapping the surprising ways that the festive season was marked in the past, and, with their shared passion for music, exploring what the nation has sung at this time of year across the centuries...
Plot: Celebrate the festive season with the perfect dusting of Mary Berry's very own Christmas magic. Mary opens her kitchen to some of TV's best-loved faces as they join her in cooking delicious dishes especially for her Christmas party table.
Plot: The people of Cornwall are proud of the fact that they do things differently, and the Christmas celebrations in this beautiful part of England have their own unique flavours and sounds. Home for a while from his world-wide travel adventures, Rick Stein has a chance to enjoy Christmas in his beloved...