Plot: Hjälp! was a Swedish situation comedy television series, broadcast on the TV4 network. It revolved around a psychologist, Jeanette Placzycks, played by Stina Ekblad, who treated patients with a variety of problems. The series had three seasons, and it was broadcast in 2007 â 2009...
Plot: Historieätarna is an infotainment series that first appeared on Sveriges Television during the fall and winter of 2012, produced by Karin af Klintberg, starring Erik Haag and Lotta Lundgren as the reporters and Fredrik Lindström and Björn Gustafsson as sidekicks. Wikipedia
Plot: Veckans brott is a Swedish crime television show on SVT which has been airing from 2010. From 2010-2018 it was hosted by Camilla Kvartoft with expert commentary by criminology professor Leif G. W. Persson. In 2019 the show was reinstated, however with Camilla Kvartoft as the lone presenter. Wikipedia...
Plot: Nyhetsmorgon is a Swedish morning news and talk show that is broadcast every morning on TV4. Nyhetsmorgon started airing on 14 September 1992. Wikipedia
Plot: Nyheterna is the name of the news programme of the Swedish channel TV4. Unlike most other programmes on TV4, Nyheterna is produced in-house by the TV4 Group themselves. The main bulletins are broadcast at 7 and 10pm every day of the week. Wikipedia