1000 Seconden
Description: In this popular cooking show, Herwig Van Hove, an erudite, outspoken and witty college professor and passionate gastronome, presents a recipe for a main dish, and sometimes a dessert, which takes him no more then 1,000 seconds (hence the title; circa 17minutes) to prepare, assisted by the popular blabbermouth-presenter Dré Steemans, better known as his phony-Italian alter-ego Felice, his soundboard for various tips on cooking, ingredients, the food business etc. which continue during the tasting. In this popular cooking show, Herwig Van Hove, an erudite, outspoken and witty college professor and passionate gastronome, presents a recipe for a main dish, and sometimes a dessert, which takes him no more then 1,000 seconds (hence the title; circa 17minutes) to prepare, assisted by the popular blabbermouth-presenter Dré Steemans, better known as his phony-Italian alter-ego Felice, his soundboard for various tips on cooking, ingredients, the food business etc. which continue during the tasting.
Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 1970
First episode air date: January 1, 1970
Language: Dutch
Cast: Dré Steemans
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Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 1970
First episode air date: January 1, 1970
Language: Dutch
Cast: Dré Steemans
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