Plot: Talk about students literally driving their teachers crazy! "Last Chance Driving School" provides a front seat view of the dangerous work done by instructors at a Queens, N.Y., driving school. Each drama-filled episode follows the journey taken by some of the worst drivers to ever get behind the wheel...
Plot: Celebrities including Geordie Shore star Vicky Pattison, Made in Chelsea's Francis Boulle and former Pussycat Doll Kimberly Wyatt embark on a mission to learn how to drive. With either very little or, in some cases, no road experience at all, each individual must overcome their fears and complete a...
Plot: Mums and dads put on their seatbelts as they prepare to teach their children how to drive. A group of parents are given just one week to pack in some driving lessons, to help their kids pass their test. With the L-Plates on, journeys begin with a lot of bickering, road rage and some bonding too. Pastor...