Plot: Produced by the team that created BBC's "Planet Earth" series, "The Hunt" explores the relationship between predators and their prey. Sir David Attenborough narrates this documentary while the cameras follow the animals in their natural habitats. With a specific focus on strategy, the hunters are examined...
Plot: All-out hunting action is the game plan for NFL star Trent Cole and his co-host, Richie Elam, on "Blitz TV." The pair take viewers on big-game hunting adventures across North America, stalking their prey with rifles, shotguns, muzzleloaders, compound bows and other archery equipment.
Plot: Twice a year, hunters head into the wilderness on the rugged island of Kodiak, Alaska, in search of the Kodiak brown bear, the world's largest land predator. "The Hunt" documents the pursuit, detailing the miles of treacherous terrain and tough weather conditions the hunters face during the 10-day...