Plot: Based on a series of stories about the power of faith. People who, through prayer, go to the saints to receive divine help and solve the problems in their lives. In each episode, daily stories are shown of people who face difficult situations in their lives and who by faith, despair or conviction, will...
Plot: La mamá del 10 is a Colombian telenovela that premiered on 26 February 2018 on Caracol Televisión and concluded on 8 June 2018. The telenovela's plot is about the situations that a footballer goes through to become a professional player and the sacrifices made by mothers to help fulfill these...
Plot: La Baby Sister is a Colombian telenovela produced by Caracol TV which aired in the United States on the network Telemundo in 2001-2002. The series, containing a total of 160 episodes, centers on the romance between two leading protagonists, Daniel Luna and Fabiana Estrella Rivera. Wikipedia
Plot: Rodrigo Leal, a chef by profession, has had bad luck in his life and to avoid losing everything he has achieved in years, he enters a reality show where he pretends to be gay and falls in love with the presenter Carmen Morena.
Plot: Each chapter had two different parts. The first part was a fiction where we learn about the life in a TV production company named "Zeppelin Television". The main characters were Alfredo Yepes, a newsreader suddenly turned into the host of a game show, two secretaries, one old and grumpy and the other...
Plot: With a dry sense of humour and the insight one gains with maturity, a grown-up Kevin provides funny commentary on himself as a young boy trying to cope with the bizarre world of a teenager.
Plot: Teatro Popular Caracol was a Colombian television anthology drama series, broadcast between 1972 and 1978 on the state-owned channels Primera Cadena and Segunda Cadena. It was produced by Caracol TV. Wikipedia