Plot: The Trews is a YouTube web series by English comedian, actor and activist Russell Brand. The Trews features Brand and his take on media as it appears in newspapers or on television as well as special episodes in which Brand responds to comments left by viewers. The show's name is a portmanteau of "...
Plot: Actor and comedian Russell Brand ("Forgetting Sarah Marshall"), who has won multiple British Comedy Awards in his native country, hosts this late-night comedy series that features Brand's unfiltered take on current events, politics and pop culture. The weekly series, which expands to an hour in its...
Plot: The Big Fat Quiz of the Year is an annual British television programme broadcast in the last or first week of the year on Channel 4. Essentially, the show is a comedy panel game in the style of a pub quiz. Wikipedia
Plot: Three follow-ups - `Interference,' `Dead and Buried' and `The Last Hurrah' - to the `Cold Blood' TV movies continue the investigations carried out by DS Eve Granger and her partner, DI Ajay Roychowdury, with assistance from ex-con Jake Osbourne, and old friend of Granger's whose acute understanding...
Plot: Mud is a 1994 CBBC television drama, starring Russell Tovey, Brooke Kinsella and Rhona Nolasca as a group of disadvantaged children taken by their social worker to an outdoor activity centre to escape their problems. The staff at the centre were vicious Miss Palmer, ditsy Henry and teenage lovers Shane...
Plot: Blessed is a BBC television sitcom written by Ben Elton and starring Ardal O'Hanlon as Gary, a record producer, who is struggling to bring up two small children. The only series, of eight episodes, was broadcast on BBC One on Friday evenings at 9.00 pm between October and December 2005. Wikipedia
Plot: Jonathan Ross presents another edition of his chat show. Joining him are comedy colossus Robin Williams, the dazzling Elle Macpherson, and brilliant stand-up Tim Minchin. With music from Mark Ronson.
Plot: Host Alan Carr, a renowned English comedian and television presenter, invites celebrity guests to discuss the current happenings in the world of showbiz and entertainment.
Plot: Ten strangers share a house in Germany constantly watched by dozens of cameras. Every two weeks, they nominate two housemates to be voted out. The last person left in the house wins a cash prize. The German version of the hit reality TV show. A group of people from a variety of backgrounds are locked...